i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right?
Anybody encounter problems with it?
I can't seem to post my replies. ):
Sooooo, I'll reply here!
Lala: Nope i'm taking diploma now,
But econs is one of my modules thou!
My auntie: LOL! If your fringe still not back yet i
think you will kill yourself, so long already please!
Go ask when is shirley goh free leh! heh
Pby: hahahahs, really ah? I dunno leh, didn't try before!
You try then tell me the results ok! hehehe.
And thanks! :D
Uhhsomegirl: Yah, all thanks to my mom! Lol.
Via: Thank you!
(:: It is very filling, heh. Any supermarket. Def can find one.
Oooo: Hahahs, yup, when i was like 16 everybody
thought i am like 18,19 already! Hahahahs
Passerby: Erm, sometimes at the shop, sometimes online?
Tengli: LOL!
Guest: I'm using the concealer from clinique and
Jaclyn: Erm, just go arab st buy lor,
Hahahs, near town area what.
Nadnut: Next week ok! I got study break Hahahahahs
PB: Seems like lots of my friends answer your qn already! lol.
Charlotte: Try Vit E. (:
Chris: Hahahahahahs.
Jasmine: Lol, you love the stupid qns?! LOL! Faints!
Woohoo: Try to google before you ask next time,
Passby: Do you even know me? (:
Why would i care about whatever somebody say if she/he
can't even simply spell PASSERBY? Go trash some other
girls on their blogs, maybe they would entertain you.
I seriously can't be bothered with people like you.
Mich: The one from dressabelle? I'm not very sure leh,
Don't rmb already :x
Jess <3: I guess we all have some nut cases on our blogs!
I've been sick the past few days and i'm better now!
Just a slight cough and a funny throat. blah.
This week is kinda booooooring,
last week of school and i've gotta rush lots of assignments,
lots of essay blah blah.
That day i baked cinnamon buns!
I loooooved cinnamon buns, with the sweet sweet
frosting drizzled on top of every cinnamon bun.
I remember me and gwen use to go all the way to Holland V to the
japanese bakery cos they have the yummiest cinnamon bun!
I miss you gweeeeeeeeeennie <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">
The recipe made around 20 rolls,
And for the 1st freaking time,
Everything was gone by the next day!
Which is a big thing cos normally when i bake cupcakes/cookies
Whatever, nobody eats them at home!
Like when i make my cheesecake,
the cheesecake can sit at my fridge for 1 whole
week and still left like 3/4 of them.
But at leon's house, like 2-3 days, all gone!
Anyway, I gave 5 for boyf, and he said it was so yummy
he didnt wanna share with his family!
Meanie! He atually went to write
"property of leon, do not touch"
and put the box into the fridge.
Wthhhhhhhh. He's such a kid! Lol
I only get to eat like one cinnamon bun and POOF!
All gone! Pouts, i shall make moooooore! Muahahahaha.
I didnt even manage to take a nice picture of it lor!
Sponsered Advertorial:
Many of you always ask me where do you shop, fidelis?
Online of course! Why would i bother to shop in boring singapore still?
Heh, Here's one great recommendation from meeee!
Fashionabee is a new blogshop, and currently they only have two collection,
But they are def gonna bring in more gorgeous stuff in time!
And they sent me two dresses,

And it has this flair-ish bottom which makes the dress really cute!

But i still love it~
Went to Vivo for Dinner and Movie with Jess and a photographer, Chris!
We ate at Thai Accent, Ahhhh, love the phad thai and mango sticky rice!
And btw Ana on my tagboard,
Seriously, can you be more childish?
Please don't come to my blog and talk trash.
I don't understand why do these people are so bitter
and have so much hate in them, so they're just trying to find
chances to trash people to maybe, make themselves feel better?
Is that even fun?
And please okay, You think just by commenting then i will love her ah,
Then i will looooooooove everyone to death already,
Jess IS a great friend to me. And i looooove to hang out with her.
Hahahas, poor chris had to pluck all the prawns for us.
The prawns is the tom yum soup is soo big and we didnt want to pluck them!
So he ended with a mountain of prawn shells on his plate. Heh
We went to watch Burn after Reading after dinner.

Hahaha, it is VERY funny, but it is so damn retarded!
Retarded but i won't say like, waste my money kinda retarded,
Cos it's really funny!
you'll def be like.. erm.. what the hell at many many of the scenes!
I can't believe Brad Pitt is on of the actor in the movie lor,
He is super uber crappy in the show, hahahahas
Last sunday, Jess called me suddenly and asked me
if i wanted to have dinner together!
And sooooo, we went on a double date! Lol,
Me & boyf, Jess and james!
We went to Hanabi, a japanese cuisine buffet place.
Yummy, i want more of the sweet potato cheese thing!
We ate like super alot lor! Hahahahs
Didn't have any pictures cos we were so busy eating away~
Anyway, after dinner we went to Mind Cafe.
We played Jungle Speed and Jenga!
the games all very old old one lor. ewwww :x
Lol, it's like damn funny lar, Jess came up with the forfeit,
And she lost twice in a row! How sway!
She have to act like a chicken and parade her "chicken acts"
to the other end of the cafe and back! Hehehehe.
And evil boyf took a video of her!
Yesterday went to boyf's house and his mum was like
asking me about mineral makeup, yadda yadda,
lots of makeup stuff, and she asked me to go makeup shopping
with her next tuesday~
And i told her i wanna play with her makeup!
i had fun doing makeup for boyf's mum.
Lol, she had like tatoo eyebrown and i was like, eh,
auntie, how to draw tatoo eyebrows? lol.
We went to Vivo for dinner and shop around for abit
Then went back to boyf's houseeeeeee!
Okay, i wanna go out soon already!
Or else boyf gonna complain say i wake up never call him!
From awhile ago:

I love rilakkuma!
Sayonara, Loves! (:
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